Evohealth / Reconciliation Action Plan

Reconciliation Action Plan
Evohealth was founded with a simple goal – better health outcomes for all Australians. In doing so, we are committed to Closing the Gap for health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and believe that Reconciliation is a critical factor in achieving this. The publication of our first RAP signifies an important milestone in our journey towards Reconciliation.
Our inaugural RAP establishes the foundation for cultural respect, inclusion and diversity in our work and workplace and will set the framework for our path to Reconciliation.
We look forward to commencing this journey and continuing to partner with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community to achieve our shared goal of equitable and improved health outcomes for all.

“Life on country” – Megan Daley
When I think of health and wellness, I think of environment, and my thoughts went to the ultimate creator of life being the sun, which provides nourishment and encourages growth for every living thing.
Canberra is also a traditionally a meeting place and the home of the Ngunnawal people, which is represented by the figures meeting under the light of the sun.
Canberra is also a traditionally a meeting place and the home of the Ngunnawal people, which is represented by the figures meeting under the light of the sun.
The Canberra environment is also home to the black wattle tree which is represented by its distinctive leaf pattern. Wattle trees have vibrant yellow flowers, and the bark is also often used as a traditional medicine.
The top of the piece is framed by the hills surrounding the region and at the bottom of the piece there are three more Meeting places to represent different communities and People that now live and work in Ngunnawal country.
The top of the piece is framed by the hills surrounding the region and at the bottom of the piece there are three more Meeting places to represent different communities and People that now live and work in Ngunnawal country.
Megan Daley is a Ngunnawal/ Wiradjuri artist living in Canberra.