Evohealth / Services


Policy research + analysis

Better policy decisions in health are grounded in rigorous evidence. With a diligent approach to research, evidence and analysis, we work with our clients to develop and deliver policies that lead to better health for all.

Evaluation + economics

Our health system needs to deliver effective and efficient healthcare within a finite budget. We support our clients to understand the value of a proposed policy change, new intervention or technology, and ultimately make appropriate evidence-based decisions.

Clinical service design

Improving the quality of healthcare includes both delivery and patient experience. This is the basis of clinical service design. Our team works with clients to develop and co-design models of care, service delivery and clinical implementation plans.

Business + process management

To deliver sustainable healthcare, organisations need to optimise and improve performance. Our team with deep health sector knowledge, including working at the frontline of health delivery, supports our clients to transform how they work.

People, culture + change

Health is a people business delivered in a time of rapid change and technological advancement. We understand this complexity and support organisations to transform how they manage their people, enhance culture and deliver impact and change to the patients they serve.

Strategy + transformation

Delivering better health outcomes requires a focused strategy in an ever changing and complex world. We work with clients to develop bespoke solutions that deliver on their objectives and help transform patients’ lives.
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At Evohealth, we are dedicated to advancing health equity for all Australians.

Read our latest report "Breaking the cycle" which uncovers the challenges faced by those at risk of hereditary cancer and offer three practical recommendations to improve outcomes and support.

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