Evohealth / ASCVD in Taiwan: A public health priority
Evohealth White Paper

ASCVD in Taiwan: A public health priority

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality globally – and yet, if identified early, 90 per cent of CVD deaths are preventable. In Taiwan, up to 40 per cent of the population is at risk of developing atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), a serious condition that arises from build-up of cholesterol in the arteries over time. Population health strategies that focus on primary prevention and secondary prevention present a real opportunity to change the trajectory of ASCVD for the next generation.
Tackling a leading cause of death: ASCVD

The European Society of Cardiology identifies four modifiable risk factors for ASCVD – all of which are highly prevalent in Taiwan.

A spotlight on hyperlipidemia

Hyperlipidemia is a serious condition arising from a build-up of LDL cholesterol in the arteries. It is a leading cause of ASCVD that elevates the risk of a heart attack, stroke or other cardiac event within five years. Hyperlipidemia is Taiwan’s fastest growing ASCVD risk factor.

Hyperlipidemia is easy to treat with readily available therapies. However, it is significantly undertreated in Taiwan. Many citizens do not recognise hyperlipidemia as a serious condition and there is low adherence to best practice treatments.

“Most patients care about their blood pressure and sugars. They don’t care too much about their cholesterol because there are no signs or symptoms. They don’t have a sensation that it might be a problem.”

– Cardiologist in Taiwan

Reducing disease burden with a population health approach

A population health strategy works at scale to prevent the onset and worsening of ASCVD risk factors for all Taiwan citizens. Evohealth’s white paper sets out six population health recommendations to reduce the burden of ASCVD in Taiwan.

We quantified the benefits of a population health approach to tackling ASCVD and found a compelling opportunity to save lives, increase productivity and reduce burden of disease.

Renae Beardmore

Managing Director, Evohealth



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