Mapping the current state of Australia’s digital health landscape to inform policy.

The Department of Health is the policy owner of digital health in Australia and required analysis of current software providers, interoperability and standards to inform future funding and policy decisions.
A detailed map of all digital health vendors and accompanying report outlining all known players in the digital health landscape, and how data flows between them.
The Department sought to map each of the software vendors and their relationships to better understand the areas of potential policy focus moving forward.
Evohealth partnered with Gig enterprises to deliver:
- Utilisation of a digital scanning tool to identify all relevant participants – extensive editing and checking of data identified by the tool.
- Extensive stakeholder consultation.
- Validation of data with key stakeholders via a range of interviews and workshops.
- Development of a map and report.
The project outcome was the provision of an extensive map and report for the Department outlining all of the known ‘players’ in Australia’s digital health landscape, including interoperability and standards, where relevant.